Free Will

Free Will

Free will, in humans, the power or capacity to choose among alternatives or to act in certain situations independently of natural, social, or divine restraints. According to David Hume, the question of the nature of free will is “the most contentious question of metaphysics.” If this is correct, then figuring out what free will is will be no small task indeed. Let us then understand free will as the capacity unique to persons that allows them to control their actions.

Arguments for free will are based on the subjective experience of freedom, on sentiments of guilt, on revealed religion, and on the universal supposition of responsibility for personal actions that underlies the concepts of law, reward, punishment, and incentive.

Time schedule:

Deadline for submission: Sunday, November 8, 2020

Online Exhibition Period: Sunday, January 17, 2021- Tuesday, December 8, 2020



To better introduce the artists, the “Bon Art Project” asks each artist to make and send a short film (3 to 10 minutes) which it can be taken by cell phone, introduce themselves, the workspace, how to create the work and other things. The “Bon Art Project” will be allowed to add its logo at the beginning and the end of the film, and the artist must use the edited film when republishing.

Curator & Founder

Arezu Zargar



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